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CEO to Join Coulter Oversight Board

James Lucas, EMCI’s Co-Founder, President & CEO, has been invited to become a member of the Coulter Oversight Committee at the University of Missouri (MU).

The Oversight Committee, made up of distinguished representatives from academia, medicine, industry and finance, approves funding and then mentors and monitors funded projects. Funded projects must be explicitly translational and involve collaboration of a bioengineer and a clinician. Projects are managed according to proven industry best practices, with funding tied to milestones set by the project Principal Investigators. Jim was invited onto the Committee in part because of EMCI’s unique focus on taking exciting new medical device technology and translating it into new products that can enhance human health.

Wallace H. Coulter was a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for improving healthcare through medical research and engineering. The Walter H. Coulter Foundation (WHCF) continues the legacy of Mr. Coulter by providing risk capital to innovative initiatives aimed at solving unmet medical needs. The MU/Coulter Translational Partnership (TP) was formed in 2011 to accelerate the translation of biomedical innovations at MU into products and services that improve human health. MU is one of only 16 universities to receive a TP Award from the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation.

EMCI Adds Nine Jobs in Kansas

EMCI has achieved its first milestone as part of its Expansion & Attraction grant from the Kansas Bioscience Authority by adding nine new employees.

A variety of positions were added in August including engineering, quality, and manufacturing. EMCI expects to add 140 jobs over the next 5 years as part of their grant.

Read the full PRESS RELEASE.

EMCI Renews Venture Accelerator Lease

EMCI has renewed its lease for R&D lab space at the Kansas Bioscience Authority Venture Accelerator.

In addition to their R&D labs, EMCI has its corporate headquarters in Mission, KS, and it’s manufacturing operation in Grain Valley, MO.

EMCI Signs Partnership with ASP Medical

EMCI has signed a long-term partnership agreement with ASP Medical, LLC (a Kansas company).

The two companies are commercializing a thoracic surgery device that will help to prevent cardiac tamponade in heart surgery patients. This device is awaiting FDA approval and is expected to be approved and available in March, 2013.

Read the full PRESS RELEASE.

Patent Issued for EMCI Innovation

EMCI is proud to announce issuance of a United States Patent for our UltraDerm.

The UltraDerm is a Dermatome with Ultrasonic Cutting Blade, which is internally cooled and has precise width and depth mechanisms for accurate graft removal. This device is a significant improvement over prior dermatomes both in robustness and in its ease of operation.

Read the full patent HERE.

EMCI Licenses OroSTIFF

EMCI (Epic Medical Concepts & Innovations, Inc.) announced today that it has licensed new technology, the OroSTIFF, developed by Dr. Steven Barlow at the University of Kansas. EMCI plans to commercialize the technology and sell the product worldwide.

“The OroSTIFF represents yet another breakthrough from KU for patients suffering from degenerative diseases,” says Peter Lucas, COO of EMCI. “This technology will take much of the guesswork out of treatments.”

Read the full press release

EMCI Licenses TAC-Cell

Epic Medical Concepts & Innovations, Inc. today announced that it has licensed new technology, the TAC-Cell, developed by Dr. Steven Barlow from the University of Kansas. EMCI plans to commercialize and sell the product worldwide.

“We are pleased to license a KU technology to a regional medical device company to assist the area in building its bioscience presence” said Jim Baxendale, Executive Director of the KU Center for Technology Commercialization.

Read the full press release